
Bethesda Meeting House Cemetery

Links to online sites about this cemetery:

Find a Grave
Find a Grave lists 90 burials

Plaque in Historical Marker Database

National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form (1976) See 1978 Addendum.


The Montgomery County Burial Site Inventory is the list of Burial Sites officially adopted by the Planning Board. Its 2018 listing shows the number of burials as 110, the last in 1942. Notes: “Inactive cemetery on partially wooded hillside alongside Wisconsin Ave., just north of Bethesda Meeting House; Surrounded by rusty chain link fence on three sides, and by a metal railing atop a stone embankment; Some stones are leaning or toppled, but several beautiful monuments still stand; Cemetery is mowed, but there does not appear to be any additional maintenance performed.”

Montgomery County Cemetery Inventory by Cemetery Name

Other websites

Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites
Rockville Cemetery
Hamilton Hood Foundation

Cemetery Committee Business

Discussed at April 10 Meeting
Calloway Methodist Church Cemetery Mapping Project

Meeting Agenda May 8: 
Status of cemetery mapping – Bob
Status of columbarium plans  -Bob
Status of mowing  – Dave Chase
Status of Fulcrum database – Dave Chase
Status of contact with Brian Crane ) – Ron
Report on archaeologist contacts – Ron

Meeting Agenda April 10
Cemetery Committee Minutes March 12, 2024
Meeting Agenda March 12
Hank Levine’s report on the Cemetery project

Studies of this cemetery

Ron Grim’s Grave Numbering with Sketches
Ron Grim’s Interment List (May 28, 2024)
Notes from Mona Pierce’s tour of Cemetery

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